Retractable Steel Security Doors for Educational Institutions

Retractable Steel Security Doors for Educational Institutions

The Australian Trellis Door Company™ (ATDC™) has completed a very large installation of its S08™ and S05™ retractable steel security doors at the prestigious Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School in Melbourne’s Keilor East.

Grammar Schools Protected by ATDC Doors

What Did This Security Project Include?

ATDC were specified for the project by Melbourne based architectural firm McBride Charles Ryan, who worked closely with ATDC in detailing all aspects of the security door installation for this large school project. Challenges that had to be overcome included securing very wide curved apertures with pronounced sloping floors as well as the absence of walls to lock the security doors onto.


Retractable Steel Security Doors

ATDC were able to recommend both their S08™ and S05™ retractable steel security doors for the school, which helped overcome all design and installation challenges including the provision of seamless up/down keyturn shootbolt locking mechanisms which were easily keyable to the school’s restrictive master key system. The 4 metre high overhead fixing points were well within the height specification of ATDC’s retractable security doors.


How Did ATDC Complete This Job Successfully?

Working closely with project managers Construction Engineering, ATDC assisted in achieving timeous lock up under very tight deadlines. ATDC’s retractable steel security doors were installed over school entries, hallways, passageways, alcoves, doors, windows, classrooms, playground access areas, school hall, library and service desk areas.


Security for Institutions

ATDC’s retractable steel security doors are also suitable for securing many educational institutions such as technical and trade colleges, universities, schools, kindergartens, daycare centres as well as other government and public buildings such as museums, exhibition centres and art galleries.


Sold Across Australia

ATDC’S retractable steel security doors are now sold in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and Canberra as well as all regional centres across Australia.

ATDC also has a thriving business with its export security doors now being sold throughout South East Asia and the Asia Pacific region (including Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia), as well as to the UAE, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.


Chat to ATDC

Learn more about our full range of commercial security doorsexpandable gatesroller security shutters mobile expandable security barriers, crowd control barriers for hireretail glass stacking doors and more.

Contact us at ATDC toll free from anywhere in Australia on 1800 657 435.

