Australia’s leading security door business the Australian Trellis Door Company™ (ATDC™) has achieved outstanding results from tests undertaken by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) for its S03™ and S06™ trellis security doors.
The Tests
Tested against the Australian Standard AS5039-2008 for Security Doors, the S03™ and S06™ Trellis Doors underwent an anti-jemmy test and a dynamic impact test for security, passing and becoming the only trellis security door products on the Australian market that have been tested against these strict conditions.
The two tests were carried out by an accredited NATA testing facility, and are two of the main testing requirements for security doors under the Australian Standards.
From Jonathan Kaplan
Commenting on the test results, Principal of ATDC, Mr Jonathan Kaplan said, “The standard is designed to provide consumers with specifications covering the general requirements and performance of security doors. Whilst the standard acknowledges that security doors are not intruder proof, it looks at the screen being strong enough to survive most attempts at forced entry and accordingly to provide the consumer with a certain degree of security.
“Our products are put through simulated break in tests to verify their strength and durability, and the results speak for themselves. This recognition is kudos to our company’s excellent manufacturing and high quality product standards for our security doors,” he added.
The Anti-Jemmy Test
The Anti-Jemmy test simulates an intruder trying to break into a premise using a lever such as a screwdriver to break the lock. The test is extremely stringent with the simulated attack on the door being carried out over a lengthy period of time and with multiple attempts on each of the locking points. The ATDC trellis security door passed this test mainly due to the design of its 3-contact point lock and specially engineered anti-jemmy locking extrusion.
The Dynamic Impact test simulates a burglar kicking the security door in an attempt to break through. The test involves swinging a bag laden with 44 kilograms of heavy lead against the security door. The test is carried out 5 times in succession to see if it can sufficiently impact the security of the door. The ATDC trellis security door passed this test mainly due its specially designed fully framed surround which spreads the load of the impact. Further, the heavy steel mesh infill complements this strength.
The ATDC is an Australian, family owned business led by brothers Jonathan and Richard Kaplan, which has been operating since 1985.
It currently supplies Australasia’s most diverse range of precision engineered expanding trellis security doors in steel and aluminium, which are suitable for securing most residential, commercial and industrial applications, and has remained the market leader in this field.
Learn more about our full range of commercial security doors, expandable gates, roller shutters, crowd control barriers, crowd control barrier hire, retail glass stacking doors and more.
Contact us at ATDC on 1800 657 435.