What are Security Doors?

What are Security Doors?

Just about every home in Australia has a security door. These doors are highly functional, delivering added protection to your home with a wide array of different designs and styles. Most people, however, don’t really know much about their home security doors in terms of many basic concepts.

Are Security Doors the Right Option for You?

white security doors

Security Door Basics

Security doors are a significant protective asset for your home. They’re a lockable, physical, metal barrier designed to protect you and your family from break and enter attempts that intrude into your home and your business. Expert installers will advise you regarding vulnerable access points and suggest security door options.

Security doors are also a useful deterrent. The underlying concept of security doors is to deter the would-be intruder from even attempting to gain unlawful entry into your property and they are effective. Security doors can be hard targets for would-be intruders, presenting a solid and secure line of defence to entry.


Doors That Meet High Standards

Most modern security doors are pretty hard to open by force. All modern security doors have a level of force resistance built in, which is defined by the Australian Standard 5039. Australian Standard 5039 deals with the minimum requirements for the construction, design, and performance of security screen doors and the specifications are pretty high.

Security doors are tested to the Australian Standard as the bottom line for testing. Any door that passes the various stress tests qualifies as compliant Australian Standard 5039.

The Australian Standards are a very good benchmark for choosing your security door. If they’re not Australian Standard, they either haven’t been tested or couldn’t pass the test to meet Standard requirements. Either way, why would you want an inferior, untested product? Stick with the Australian Standard certified products.


Choosing a Security Door

The other major considerations for choosing a security door are:

  • Design: Do you want something that fits your exterior design or just a basic security door that will do the job? Take a little time to really explore all your options. You’ll find a truly huge range of choices.
  • Type of security door: There are many options available, particularly for commercial premises and modern homes with a lot of entry space like double doors, patio doors, etc. Do you want a retractable security door, a folding security door, expanding security door, concertina security door, or a shop front security door? Check out your choices because there are some excellent designs available.
  • Security doors and access points: It’s often a good idea to do a thorough upgrade of onsite security when you’re looking at security doors. Do you need security doors at other access points? The usual result of a site access analysis is a good mix of options and some expert advice is useful for finding possible security issues.

Looking for Security Doors?

If you’re looking for domestic security doors anywhere in Australia, The Australian Trellis Door Co. has you covered. See our security doors in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, or Brisbane. Contact us online or give us a call toll free on 1300 289 159 from anywhere in Australia.