Who Makes the Best Security Doors

Who Makes the Best Security Doors

When shopping for security doors and systems, many people ask the question “Who makes the best security doors?” While this is a highly subjective question, there are a number of features that characterise the elite Australian security door providers.

Read on to learn some of the defining features of prominent security door companies in Australia.

Searching for the Best Security Door Providers

A silhouetted man stands beneath a large key

Look for a Licensed Provider

Start by searching for companies that have been licensed by an official regulatory body. For example, in New South Wales you should look for companies that have been awarded a Master Security Licence by the NSW Police. This accreditation signifies a high level of expertise that has probably been gained after years of service. Master Security Licence Holders are generally at the very top of their industry.

Always look for the most important security door certifications in your state before choosing a provider.


Research Their Trading History

Once you have identified the premium security door providers in your area, you should start to research their brand history. Look at how long these brands have operated for, what products they offer and what customers have had to say about their products. In the 21st century, this couldn’t be easier thanks to the World Wide Web. Our access to the internet means that there is no excuse not to do your research on a security door provider.

Look for companies with a history of product excellence, honesty and customer satisfaction during your search. These traits, in addition to the necessary industry certifications, should indicate a top quality option.


Always Ask about Warranties

To learn more about the integrity and honesty of a company, we recommend reading through their warranty terms. This binding contract can reveal a lot about your potential supplier’s code of ethics and moral fibre. Always ensure that you completely understand what you are getting before signing any contract. Look for a company that has been in business for longer than the warranty of their contracts.


The Australian Trellis Door Company™

The Australian Trellis Door Company™ has maintained an exceptional reputation as one of the very best security screen and door companies in the country. ATDC is headquartered in Sydney but we have branched out and secured national representation. We hold the appropriate NSW Master Security Licence while also adhering to the appropriate national regulatory standards in our industry. ATDC is proud to set the standard for security doors and we maintain an ongoing commitment to excellence and the very best security products.


Contact Us

Got a question about security door installation? Contact the experts at The Australian Trellis Door Company™ today, or call our toll free number on 1800 657 435.

Learn more about our full range of commercial folding doors by browsing our website.

See our full range of commercial security doorsexpandable gatesroller shuttersretractable aluminium fencing, crowd control barriers for hireretail glass stacking doors and more.